We were approached in December to put together a team building event for the entire Staff of the Durban ICC. It was an honour to work with a world class institution like the ICC and a challenge to put together a program that addressed the various requirements and challenges. A lot of thought, planning and consultation went into structuring a day of activities that was exciting, relevant and would have lasting impact.
The multi-faceted program that we put together encompassed both outdoor team-based competition, indoor work-shopping sessions themed around ‘Experience High Performance’ and the grand finale afternoon session, a Big Picture Art Challenge, where delegates created a unique giant artwork for the ICC.
The results were fantastic. Hard work and focus on the part of the delegates (which included a wide cross-section of staff) resulted in tight competition on the Indiana Jones Challenge as teams competed to outdo each other on the various exciting group dynamics challenges.
The work-shopping sessions had a wonderful impact as teams and team members connected with one another and interacted through story telling. The Big Picture Art Challenge is one of Beach and Bush’s toughest team building challenges. Buy-in from the group is the most important element as teams must work within and across their work units to put together their own 5m x 5m work of art from many small canvasses.
And the result: well, I guess it speaks for itself! Well done ICC! We hope to see you again next year.
If you would like to find out more about how Beach and Bush can excite, energise and align your business, give Alison or Sean a call on 031 266 9221 or email us on info@beachandbush.co.za