
Historial Treats For Team Building

Johannesburg – EGOLI (the City of Gold) –  is an urban sprawling city that has a wealth of history and is a wonderful city in which to host your team building.

The area that is home to Johannesburg was originally inhabited, thousands of years ago, by the hunter-gatherers of the San people.  Gradually migrants found their way to the area but it was not until 1886 when gold was discovered on a farm on the Witswatersrand Reef that the area was developed.  Prospectors poured in from all over the world hoping to make their fortune and with them came all the trades necessary to keep the mining town alive.

The town was named after Christiaan Johannes Joubert and Johannes Rissik respectively, officials of the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republijk (ZAR), who worked land surveying and mapping.

The first settlements in Johannesburg were very loosely planned, leading to the great sprawling city of today, which covers an area of 1644 km2.  The earliest formal settlement to house people of all races was Kliptown, which is located nearby to the township of Soweto.

The Central Business District (CBD) grew rapidly in the early 20th century as formal European style buildings were built. The Central Business District was the first part of the city to be built in a grid, which was designed around the major road known as Commissioner Street, which served as the main arterial road for the city.

Give your teams a taste of the history of this great city.  Visit Gold Reef City, a historical amusement park or the South West Township (Soweto).  The Lindfield Victorian House Museum is one of the most treasured and well-preserved collections of Victoriana in South Africa.  Treat your employees to a trip to the Apartheid Museum or the Origins Museum.

Beach and Bush offer team building in Johannesburg which provides you with an ideal opportunity for your employees to learn about each other’s history and culture.

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