In the heart of Africa, the legendary explorer, Professor Jimmy Mkhize, has vanished without a trace! His daring quest for a fabled treasure, shrouded in mystery, has led him into the unforgiving wilderness, only to be swallowed by its depths.
Now, the call to action echoes through the air! Can your team rise to the challenge and aid his daughter in unraveling the enigma of his disappearance? It’s a race against time, where every twist and turn could hold the key to his whereabouts.
Prepare for an adrenaline-fueled adventure, where resilience is your greatest ally and focus your sharpest weapon. With each clue and puzzle, you’ll delve deeper into the unknown, piecing together the puzzle of his fate. But beware! In the shadows lurk sinister forces, determined to thwart your every move and claim the treasure for themselves.